Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'll always love my momma

So...I totally, completely, consciencely and whole-heartedly believe in the power of prayer; my mother instilled that in me, but I have come to believe it on my own. I truly thank God daily for a parent who constantly and consistantly prays for me and keeps me grounded. I have said this before but it bears mentioning again; My mother is my Rock of Gibralter, she is my backbone, my shoulder to cry on, my financial advisor, my sex education teacher and my role model. My mother and I have the kind of relationship, I would assume, most girls dream about having. I can come to my mother about any and everything. She may not agree with me but she will not judge me. She will advise me to the best of her knowledge and if for some reason she does not know, she will tell me that and begin the journey to find out with me. I don't aspire to be another Oprah Winfrey, Shirley Chisholm or Maya Angelou, I aspire to be half the woman that my mother is. I aspire to have the same relationship with my daughter that I have with my mother. I aspire to carry all her life lessons with me until God calls me home. For those of you who still have the good fortune to still have your mother with you, I pray that you respect her and love her. Even if your relationship is strained and you can find nothing else to love her for, love her for giving you life. If this offends you I do not apologize, for I have no reason to. I will yell from the rooftops how much I love, honor and respect my mother, not for just giving me life, but for teaching me life. I can't imagine life without her, but if God decides that her time here on earth is done, I will carry her memory in my heart forever.


At 3:11 AM, Blogger Lex said...

I love this post. I haven't had the greatest relationship with my mom, but I'm working on making the best of what we have.

I think it's great that you two are so close.

At 7:15 PM, Blogger Tanique said...

Thank Lex, I just had this overwhelming urge to write that post. I hope you an your mom grow closer. I know several people who regret not showing appreciation to their mothers before they passed away.


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