Loosing it!
So...I have always believed that children are a gift from God. They didn't ask to be here, we as adults make the conscience choice to bring them into the world. I have the utmost respect for those individual who can honestly say "I am unfit/incapable of raising a child on my own" and in turn place the child up for adoption. I on the other hand, felt I could effectively raise a child. I wanted my daughter more than breath from the moment I found out that I was pregnant. I understood that by many standards I had my daughter late in life. I was 32 when I gave birth to her and by then my 3 closest friend had children ages 2 & 10, 7 and 8; they had effectively gone through every thing I was about to embark on. But nonetheless, despite her jackass of a father not wanting me to have her, I would make her my life's work, raising her the best way I possibly could in order for her to become a productive member of society.
Along the way she has provided me with some of the funniest episode I have ever been pleasured to witness. She makes my heart smile ever time I see her, her laugh makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She is really smart and I know every one says that about their children, but seriously, she blows me away, and at this point I can't even imagine life without her. However, if there is one thing I have learned, it is that a 2 year old can drive you to brink of a breakdown.
Last night my daughter must have really been feeling needy. I'm in school trying to finish up my degree and she won't let me read my textbook. I'm doing hair trying to make extra money to pay for her tuition and clothes and she is trying to lay on my lap. The whole time she is pulling on me and whining and making a mess of my living room and knocking over things because she can't have my undivided attention (which she doesn't usually desire to have). So at one point I completely lost it. I was in tears calling my mom because I really just didn't know what to do. I don't believe you should ever seriously hurt a child. My daughter does get popped when she doesn't listen but usually all I have to say is 'I'm going to pop you' and she straightens right up. But I do understand how they can push your last button on a bad day and if you are not strong enough to walk away or have a support system to talk to you can hurt them. PLEASE UNDERSTAND I AM IN NO WAY CONDONING THE ABUSE OF A CHILD!!!!!!! They are defenseless and need your protection from the world. But thank God, my mom calmed me down, I put Missy to bed and took a long hot jasmine & chamomile bubble bath and off to dream land.
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